Improve Human Resource Capacity, APCE Organizes Internal Training in Bogor

Bogor, PR of APCE. In support of efforts to improve the capacity of qualified Asia Pacific Center for Ecohydrology (APCE) members, APCE Executive Director, Dr. Ignasius Dwi Atmana Sutapa, Deputy of Geological Sciences (IPK) Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Dr. Zainal Arifin, with UNESCO Jakarta Office Director, Hans Dencker Thulstrup, opened the " Capacity Building Staf APCE: Pengelolaan Organisasi Internasional" at Hotel 101, Bogor, 19-21 July 2017. "There are 5 things needed to build a good International Organization, namely Program, Human Resources, Infrastructure, Funding, and Networking", said Zainal. Also conveyed by him, that APCE is also a contribution from Indonesia to UNESCO (world). That is, any activity undertaken by, or through APCE, is a tangible form of Indonesia's contribution to activities related to ecohydrology issues, within the Asia and Pacific region.

Opening of Capacity Building APCE staff is presented to about 20 APCE staff from 5 different divisions, Training Division, Capacity Building, and Collaboration, Database and Information System Division, Research Program Division, Social, Culture, and Public Awareness Division, The Facility Maintenance and Maintenance Division, and the APCE Executive Secretariat.

On the same day, the speaker who also delivered his presentation, Dr. Syahrul Aiman, ​​titled " Memahami Potensi Diri", and the last presentation from Ms. Rahel Butar Butar, a speaker from banking sector who delivered speech about "Teamwork". The following day, the presentation was presented by Ricky Syailendra, Head of Multilateral Technical Cooperation and International Non-Governmental Organizations, Bureau of Foreign Technical Cooperation (KTLN) of the State Secretary (Setneg), and concluded with a presentation titled "International Organizational Funding Scheme" by Agustin Arry Yanna, Director of Foreign Funding of National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas). On the last day, the presentation was opened by the Executive Director of APCE, Dr. Ignatius who delivered "Project Process Evaluation", followed by Setneg who delivered a presentation titled " Kerja Sama Internasional Dalam Perspektif Ragam Budaya: Pengalaman KTLN Setneg". The last session concludes with "Team Building" activities wrapped in fun activities with facilitators from Starbee Pusbindiklat Peneliti LIPI.

On the same occasion, Dr. Ignatius expressed his appreciation to the Society of APCE. “Setiap orang memiliki kapasitas yang spesifik untuk berimajinasi” (Everyone has a specific capacity for imagination). Therefore, with the increasing diversity of compositions within the new APCE organizational structure, it is expected to provide a more diverse perspective that enriches APCE's real ideas and work over the next few years. He conveyed his gratitude and appreciation to every party involved in realizing this idea, until finally successfully done well (akb).